Nick Jr Magazine
Just an FYI to readers, Nick Jr is ceasing publication with the April 2007 issue.
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Success Magazine serves as a kick in the pants for other business magazines, such as Inc. Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine, which are both focused on the small business owner and entrepreneur.
Success Magazine is slated to publish six (6) issues per year at this time, and will look to grow its following among the entrepreneurial crowd.
Starlog has ceased publication. Starlog was a magazine for developments in the field of science fiction, and included interviews with writers and actors in the science fiction field. Starlog has not announced what current subscribers will receive as a replacement magazine, if any.
If you are searching for Magazine Industry News, or special offers and coupons on your favorite magazine subscriptions, the Deekins Magazine Industry News Blog is your connection.
Like the industry leader in sports television that created it, ESPN the Magazine is big, bold, and brash, using its oversize format to show off striking full-page images and splashy sidebars. It's not all flash, though: the magazine also gets contributions from familiar on-air talent such as Dan Patrick, Chris Berman, Stuart Scott, Peter Gammons, and John Clayton as well as the athletes themselves.
CNN’s senior medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta and Runner’s World Magazine editor in chief Willey met March 30 for CNN’s Fit Nation, part of Dr. Gupta’s and CNN’s nationwide university tour and initiative to encourage Americans to adopt healthier lifestyles and combat obesity. Held at Drexel University in Philadelphia, former president Bill Clinton spoke with Dr. Gupta and Drexel’s students about healthy eating as well as his own personal food cravings including French fries and Philly cheese steaks. Willey engaged audience members during a brainstorming session about things that could be done throughout the city to encourage a healthier, more active lifestyle – of course one that would include running. Quickly after the program, Willey headed out for his own burger and fries to Rouge, a local Philly restaurant but don’t worry – he had already burned off the calories during his morning run.